Welcome to Wedding Advice

Who am I. I am a husband and a father of four who has ministered for 20 years. My greatest pleasure in life, besides my family, is to help ensure couples wedding ceremonies meet, or exceed their expectations.

Monday 20 June 2011

Wedding - Holiday Inn Solarium Room

Well their big day has arrived. The Solarium Room is setup for 200 guests, who all attended. The white center runner covered in pink petals, leads to the alter.

The groom, of course is nervous, as we stand at the front, with the groomsmen,
A little small talk and he begins to relax. Just a little.

Time to check on the bride. She had told me that everything would start "on time". True to her word she was waiting in the hall. Low cut chapel dress. Amusingly it was one of her bridesmaid who was most nervous.

not wanting to be the one to cause a late start, I quickly review how the processional would begin and then took my place at the alter.

The bride was walked up by her father, who shook hands with the groom. Both men were beaming, one with pride and one with love. A very nice relationship to see between Father in Law and future Son in Law. Music by Reds D.J. Service was flawless, with music played during the Processional, Signing and Recessional.

Once the ceremony was complete the couple ran off for pictures. Unfortunately their hasty exit precluded me having a chance to congratulate them on their future together but I know they will be happy.

The Reverend P

Thursday 16 June 2011

Wedding Rehearsal at The Holiday Inn

Saturdays wedding party had their rehearsal today. Normally rehearsals are the evening before but, in this case, everyone would not be available.

This wedding is a perfect example of personal choice, over tradition. The venue boasts a large solarium, traditional cascading fountain, all in a large hall. The couple, while opting for a very traditional hall with large adjoining reception hall, have chosen a very simple, to the point ceremony. From beginning to end, the ceremony will last no longer than 15 minutes.

Music is being provided by a local D.J. Again the move was to traditional. The processional music is "Canon in D".

Each ceremony is, and should be, unique. Cookie cutter services leave couples with disappointment. Always find an officiant who will work with you.

The Reverend P.

Wednesday 15 June 2011


I'm hoping that after, over 20 years of service in ministry, I can help brides and grooms plan their own weddings.

It's been my privilege to specialize in officiating at out of church weddings. Weddings held in homes, camps, cottages and special locations.

I will be describing many ceremonies, as I perform them. I welcome any questions and hope my experience dealing with planning, planners, D.J.'s and many venues, will be of assistance.